Download Windows 11 Full Free (ISO 32-64 Bit) The newer version of Windows hasn’t be released by Microsoft yet. As soon, it will be made public, we will update the download links for Windows on the same post. So make sure you bookmark this page for upcoming updates. Download Windows 11 32 Bit (Coming Soon).
Windows 11 operating system is going to live soon: After more than 9 years of good andloyal service, Windows 11 is preparing to bow. The system will no longerreceive a free security update in one year. Almost 10 years ago, in 2009,Microsoft released Windows 11. This version of the operating system succeededthe unpatriotic Windows Vista and would quickly become the most popular versionof Windows in the world. The system brought welcome refinements, was fluid touse and was above all a great technological leap for those who had stayed withWindows XP.
Since then, the company haslaunched Windows 8, which has not received the expected success, and Windows 10who willingly or unwillingly took over the torch of the most popular PC system.It's almost time for Windows 11 to definitely belong to the past.
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windows 11 coming |
Windows 11 Release on July 2019
In less than a year, July 2019 tobe precise, Microsoft will no longer offer free security updates for theoperating system. This means in principle that if a fault is discovered afterthe end of the support, Microsoft will not be obliged to correct it and themachine could therefore be the victim of various problems.

Not crazy, the firm said that it isof course still possible to migrate to Windows 11. The launch offer is over(the famous free update), this migration will pay if the user does not alreadyhave an appropriate license. It remains to be seen if it is still possible toinstall Windows 10 with a Windows 11 license key, as it was the case for a longtime, even after the expiration of the launch offer.
Windows 11 becoming the only version
Microsoft may hope that thescheduled end of Windows 11 support will revive migrations to Windows 10. Theoperating system has long known the trouble of fragmentation, with a marketspread between Windows XP, Windows 11 and the latest version of Windows.
Since Windows 8 has never beenpopular, the end of Windows 11 support means that Windows 11 will become theonly popular version of the system still supported. Since the release ofWindows 11 in 2015, the free system updates have allowed most of the machinesto remain equipped with the latest version.
Windows 11 will be an EM fromJanuary 15, 2020 - so to speak in a few months. It remains one of the mostpopular Windows versions with an even more 40% market share. After this date, Windows11 PCs will no longer receive updates or technical support. In this file weexplain what it means and how to prepare well.
Download Windows 11 Free Full Version Iso
After the end of technical supportit will be possible to use Windows 11 and even activate copies on any PC. Apartfrom the security of your computer, its data, its stability and thecompatibility with some programs nothing requires you, therefore, to doanything. Nevertheless, it is still strongly recommended to upgrade to a newerversion of the system such as Windows 10 or an alternative operating system -for example one of the many distributions of Linux:
How To Download Latest Windows 10 Iso File For Free
Upgrade to Windows 11
This is probably the most obviouschoice for several reasons:

•Theupdate process is specially designed and optimized to be simple and keeps yourpersonal files
•Theinterface is extremely close to Windows 11 which avoids changing your habits
•Youare quiet until the end of life (in 2025)
Switching to Windows 11 is verysimple: just go to the Microsoft website and download the update wizard. Toactivate your copy of Windows you will have to buy a license. There are threetypes, depending on how you use your computer:
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