Free Windows Media Player 11 Download Xp Full Version

  1. Free Media Player Windows Xp
  2. Free Windows Media Player 11 Download Xp Full Version Free
  3. Windows Media Player Version 11

Designed by media lovers for media lovers. Windows Media Player 12—available as part of Windows 7, Windows 8.1, and Windows 10*—plays more music and video than ever, including Flip Video and unprotected songs from your iTunes library! Organize your digital media collection, sync digital media files to a portable device, shop online for digital media content, and more—with Windows Media Player 12.

Free Media Player Windows Xp


Streamlined playback modes

The Now Playing mode is a study in minimalism: It shows only the controls you need, so nothing comes between you and your music or video. A new taskbar thumbnail with playback controls makes previewing easier and more fun.

Windows Media Player for Windows XP offers great new ways to store and enjoy all your music, video, pictures and recorded TV. Play it, view it, and sync it to a portable device for enjoying on the go or even share with devices around your home, all from one place. Simplicity In Design - Bring a whole new look to your digital.

Plays more media in more places

FreeFree windows media player 11 download xp full version full

Windows Media Player 12 has built-in support for many popular audio and video formats. Sync music, videos, and photos, or stream media to your devices so you can enjoy your library anywhere, at home or on the road.

For info about the latest version for your system, see Get Windows Media Player.

To manually troubleshoot or upgrade your installation of the Player, try the following:

  1. Click the Start button, type features, and then select Turn Windows features on or off.

  2. Expand Media Features and see whether the Windows Media Player check box is selected. If it is, clear the check box.

  3. Click OK and then restart your PC. This will remove your current version of Windows Media Player.

  4. After your PC has restarted, repeat step 1.

  5. Expand Media Features and select the Windows Media Player check box.

  6. Click OK and then restart your PC. This will reinstall the latest version of Windows Media Player for your system (Windows Media Player 12, with a few exceptions).

Note: Windows Media Player isn't available for Windows RT 8.1.

* Windows Media Player 12 is included in clean installs of Windows 10 as well as upgrades to Windows 10 from Windows 8.1 or Windows 7. DVD playback isn't included in Windows 10 or Windows 8.1. Go to the DVD playback for Windows page to find out how to add DVD playback.

Last Updated on

This recipe will explain how to install Windows Media Player 11 without having to Activate your windows copy / bypassing the WGA. This requires Winzip or any other .zip extracting program to be installed.

Bypassing the activation when installing Windows Media Player 11 is pretty simple. Basically what we will do is download the setup file (.exe) and then extract its contents to a folder and manually run the two components needed to install and run Media Player 11.

1. Download Windows Media Player 11. Go here to download.

Free Windows Media Player 11 Download Xp Full Version Free

2. After you have the file downloaded (usually named: wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu.exe), right-click on the File.

If you have Winzip installed, go to the Winzip menu, and choose to Extract to Folder X:…wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu

A lot of .exe setup files are really just a self-executing zip file so you can use this method to extract files from .exe files with other installers too (ie device driver installers, if you only want the driver files and not the other ‘fluff’ that sometimes come with the installer.)

4. Once you do this, you will see a folder called wmp11-windowsxp-x86-enu. Go into the folder and now we will manually run the two files needed for Windows Media Player 11 to install.

First run: wmfdist11.exe

This is the media player 11 runtime files.

Gp through the installation wizard and then run: wmp11.exe

This will in turn install Windows Media Player 11 and will bypass the activation part of the installer.

Once you finish the install, reboot and you should now have a working Windows Media Player 11 that will not require activation and in turn allow you to install on a non-activated XP install.

About Jimmy S

Windows Media Player Version 11

Jimmy Selix is an early adopter that loves to be one of the first on the block to have the latest and greatest in technology and gadgets. Another love of his is being able to share his knowledge to others seeking it. Feel free to drop any comments or questions that you may have.
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