Install Scala 2.11 On Windows


First, make sure you have the Java 8 JDK (or Java 11 JDK) installed.

Install the sbt build tool by running this: sudo yum install sbt. Move to the Scala package directory: cd jupyter-scala. Build the package: sbt cli/packArchive. To launch the Scala shell, use this command:./jupyter-scala. Check the kernels installed by running this command: (you should see Scala.

Install Scala 2.11 On Windows Download

To check, open the terminal and type:

java -version(Make sure you have version 1.8 or 11.)

(If you don't have it installed, download Java from Oracle Java 8, Oracle Java 11, or AdoptOpenJDK 8/11. Refer JDK Compatibility for Scala/Java compatiblity detail.

Then, install Scala:

...either by installing an IDE such as IntelliJ, or sbt, Scala's build tool.


Best if you prefer a full-featured IDE (recommended for beginners)

Download intellij
Download Sbt
Install scala 2.11 on windows 10 laptop

Compared to other programming languages, installing Scala is a bit unusual. Scala is unusual because it is usually installed for each of your Scala projects rather than being installed system-wide. Both of the above options manage (via sbt) a specific Scala version per Scala project you create.
But it's also possible to 'install' Scala in numerous other ways; e.g., grab Scala binaries and use Scala from the command line or use Scala in your browser!

Other ways to install Scala

  • Download the Scala binaries for
    Need help running the binaries?
  • Using SDKMAN!, you can easily install Scala with sdk install scala
  • On macOS you can also use Homebrew and existing Scala Formulae
    brew update
    brew install scala
  • With MacPorts, you can get Scala using sudo port install scala2.xcommand.
    For example to install Scala 2.12 simply usesudo port install scala2.12
  • Use Scastie to run single-file Scala programs in your browser using multiple Scala compilers; the production Scala 2.x compilers, Scala.js, Dotty, and Typelevel Scala. Save and share executable Scala code snippets.
  • Try Scala in the browser via ScalaFiddle. This lets you run single-file Scala programs in your browser using Scala.js, including graphical/interactive examples such as Oscilloscope or Ray Tracer
  • Get Ammonite, a popular Scala REPL

Or are you looking for previous releases of Scala?

Release Notes

Install Scala 2.11 On Windows 10

For a summary of important changes, see the GitHub release notes.
(Or consult our archive of older release notes.)

Other Releases

You can find the links to prior versions or the latest development version below.To see a detailed list of changes for each version of Scala please refer to the changelog.

Note that different major releases of Scala (e.g. Scala 2.11.x and Scala 2.12.x) are not binary compatible with each other.

Other resources

Install Scala 2.11 Windows

You can find the installer download links for other operating systems, as well as documentation and source code archives for Scala 2.12.12 below.

Install Scala 2.11 On Windows 10 Laptop

scala-2.12.12.tgz Mac OS X, Unix, Cygwin19.87M
scala-2.12.12.msi Windows (msi installer)124.70M Windows19.91M
scala-2.12.12.deb Debian145.51M
scala-2.12.12.rpm RPM package124.99M
scala-docs-2.12.12.txz API docs53.28M API docs107.95M
scala-sources-2.12.12.tar.gz Sources


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