Download Foto Windows 11

PhotoFiltre 11 (64-bit & Unicode)

This new version (which succeeds the Studio X version) will only be 64-bit for now.
It supports lots of new formats like HDR, RAW, WebP, Jpeg2000.

Compatibility: Windows 10 (64-bit), Windows 8 (64-bit), Windows 7 (64-bit), Vista (64-bit)
PhotoFiltre 11 (follow the instructions on the forum)

PhotoFiltre Studio X (32-bit)

PhotoFiltre Studio is shareware and is limited to a 30-day trial period. At the end of the 30-day trial
period, if you want to continue using PhotoFiltre Studio you will need to purchase a registration key
from the programs author. If, on the other hand you no longer want to continue using the program
you must remove it from your system immediately.

Download the New Windows 11 Wallpapers Right Now! The next version of Microsoft’s desktop operating system, Windows 11, has leaked online today. It gives us a glimpse at the redesigned start menu, new widgets center, and other new features. Windows 11 even brings along a new startup sound. But that’s not all.

Download Foto Windows 11 64-bit

Compatibility: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Win XP, Win NT, Win 2000
PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.14.1 (english version with setup / 11 Mb)

PhotoFiltre Studio X 10.14.1 (english version in zip format / 11 Mb)

Freeware versions (32-bit)

PhotoFiltre 7 : Version with layers but more limited than the Studio X version
PhotoFiltre 6
: Basic version without layers

Compatibility: Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Vista, Win XP, Win NT, Win 2000
Language files (Studio X & 7)

Copy the contents of the zip file into the installation directory of PhotoFiltre Studio. Place them in the
same directory as the pfstudiox.exe program.

Download Photo Windows 10

PhotoFiltre Studio will use the first PLG (language file) it finds in alphabetical order.
Remove the english translation file StudioEN.plg if needed to activate another language.

Download Foto Windows 11 Free

Download Foto Windows 11 Pro

English / English / Anglais
Updated for the V 10.12+

Nederlands / Dutch / Néerlandais
Translated by Jeroen de Bruijn & Marga de Bruyne & Frans Bronselaer

Finnish / Suomi / Finlandais
Translated by Mika Pirinen

Norwegian / Norsk / Norvégiens
Translated by Geir Håkon Eikland

Updated for the V 10.12+
Estonian / Eesti / Estonien
Translated by Mihkel Tõnnov
Spanish / Español / Espagnol
Translated by Tugui & CeRbErO & Tito

Portuguese / Português / Portugais
Translated by Luis Valente & ADC

Japanese / Japonais
Translated by X-WORKS (font MS UI Gothic)

Taiwan (chinese) / Taiwanais
Translated by Heaven (font ·s²Ó©úÅé,9)

German / Deutsch / Allemand
Translated by Hans Wrobel & Achim Feldmann & Bernd
Italian / Italiano / Italien
Translated by A & M Gianardi & M Sergio & L Snoriguzzi

Updated for the V 10.12+

Danish / Dansk / Danois
Translated by digitalmagasinet & J. Høgenhav & guruerne & scootergrisen

Updated for the V 10.12+

Brazillian Portuguese / Português do Brasil / Portugais du Brésil
Translated by João Antonio & Luis Valente & Ifiult & luxther defaul & Amir Antunes Dos Santos
Updated for the V 10.12+

Polish / Polski / Polonais
Translated by Bogdan Ruszczak & Pawe³ Wojty³a & Maciej Bojakowski

Russian / Russkiy / Russe
Translated by Andre Steinmetz & Adept & Alen Khayrullin & VictorVG
Updated for the V 10.12+

Swedish / Svenska / Suédois
Translated by Lars Carlsson & Peter Johansson & Mats Karlsson
Hungarian / Magyar / Hongrois
Translated by Tarjányi Csaba & Tomi Mészáros
Updated for the V 10.12+

Vietnamese / Vietnamiens
Translated by Tat Tuan Phong

Czech / Cesky / Tchèque
Translated by Skoda & Patrik Spano & Lukas Mizoch

Slovak / Slovensky / Slovaque
Translated by Marián Hikaník
& Patrik Spano

Turkish / Türkçe / Turque
Translated by Umut BÝNGÖL & LegendFB GNC

Chinese / Chinese / Chinois
Translated by Ocean Heart

Ukrainian / Ukrainian / Ukrainien
Translated by Bormintal

Byelorussian / Biélorusse
Translated by Arhim

Arabic Tunisian / Arabe Tunisien
Translated by
Eman Ali Fhoula
Slovenian / Slovensko / Slovène
Translated by
Aljaz Banko & Roman Bobnaric
Farsi / Farsi
Translated by
Mona moh

Hebrew / Hebreu
Translated by
Eran Israely & Matan S. Cohen